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Single Tooth Implants

It’s not uncommon for an adult to lose a tooth over the course of their life. Accidents happen, but millions of people also have to deal with gum disease that might cost them a tooth before they get it under control. Seeing your Bellbrook dentist, Dr. Somaiya, on a regular basis is the best way to avoid gum disease and other issues that contribute to tooth loss. But if there’s no choice but to extract one of them, a single tooth dental implant is the best way to close up the gap. Leaving a gap in your smile does more than just make you feel self-conscious. It can also have long-term effects on the health of your remaining teeth. Learn the details about these implants to determine if they’re right for you.

Why do You Need a Dental Implant?

Leaving a gap where a tooth has gone missing is never a good idea. Filling the space in as quickly as possible keeps the jaw bone from receding after the tooth roots are lost. A dental implant is the best way to do this, as the anchor post connects to the jaw bone just like the natural tooth roots. Bridges and other devices like partial dentures can’t offer the same kind of support for the jaw. Dental implants are also harder to spot and look more natural while offering a stronger bite strength and normal chewing patterns. These restorations are designed to last for the rest of your life, while bridges and other devices need replacement every 10 years or so. Enjoy your favorite foods and restore your speech with the help of dental implants that are built to fit your smile. There’s no chance of getting cavities in the implant and you only need to brush and floss as usual to care for it.

a woman sitting on a chair

The Steps of Dental Implants

It all starts with a consultation visit to your dentist in Bellbrook OH. You can discuss your concerns and dental health history with an expert in dental implants. It’s possible you’ll need additional gum or jaw treatments, such as bone grafting to rebuild lost bone tissue. These treatments are handled first and you may have to recover for up to six months before continuing the next step in the implant process.

The actual implant process begins with the placement of the post. This is a screw-like piece of titanium that will bond over time with your natural jaw bone. You’ll be a little tender after the process, so you’ll need to eat soft foods for a week or two until you heal.

Once a few months pass and Dr. Somaiya verifies the implant has bonded well with the bone, it’s time to create a special crown that attaches to it. It’ll match the rest of your natural teeth for a seamless appearance. Your dentist may recommend whitening the teeth at this point so you have a restored smile by the end of the process. The crown can be built to fill in for a single tooth or multiple teeth in a partial denture arrangement. You may get a temporary crown to test out as the permanent one is made in a lab, or your dentist may be able to produce it in the office for an immediate installation.

How to Take Care of Dental Implants

When you visit Dr. Somaiya, you’ll discover that good dental care is the key to long-lasting dental implants. You need to commit to brushing twice a day and flossing with care around the implant in particular. Letting gum disease or infection flare up after the implant is placed greatly increases the chances of complications or rejection. Focus on using the dental tools your dentist recommends to make the brushing and flossing process easier. After investing in high-quality dental implants, you don’t want to lose them over something as simple as daily habits.

Where to Get Dental Implants

Schedule a consultation with us here at Seva Dental today to find out if you’re a good candidate for dental implants. If there are issues that would exclude the use of these devices, we can recommend other bridges and partial dentures that help fill in any gaps. No matter your budget or health, we can find a solution for your smile.

Seva Dental Office